Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Chess Match - A New Short Scary Story

Knight to h3.

Kevin Holt made his move, and now watched his monitor, intently waiting for his German opponent to counter this play.  Unfortunately, he heard footsteps approaching and the shadow of his wife, Gretchen, loomed over him.

“Can you tear yourself away from your precious game?” she harped, sitting on a nearby couch. “We need to talk.”

“I’ve offered to teach you how to play, but—“

“I don’t want to play chess Kevin, I want to go to parties, concerts, do fun things with real people.” Gretchen took in a deep breath. “I’m having an affair.”

Kevin slumped forward. “An affair? What…with who?”

“Somebody from work. George Minden. Aren’t you going to say anything? Get mad?”


“You’re so pathetic. You’re a spineless little man and I’ve had enough.” She stood up. “I’m filing for divorce.”

“Divorce? Can’t we talk?”

“I don’t want to talk. I want to go out and experience life before I die. All you want to do is smoke pot and play chess. This isn’t working.”

“You can’t mean it, Gretchen.”

Her expression of contempt conveyed she did, and she stormed out of the room. “I’m going out,” she shouted back at him.

It was 1 a.m. when the kitchen door opened and a boozy Gretchen stumbled into the house. Although trying to be quiet, she bumped into the table and rattled beer bottles in the refrigerator as she pulled one out. She carried the bottle with her up the dark stairs to the bedroom.

Flipping on her bedside light, she turned around and yelped. Kevin was standing in a dark corner of the room. He stepped forward into the haziest edge of the light.

“You scared the crap out of me.”

“Sorry. Have a good time?”

“Why are you still dressed and acting so creepy?”

“George Minden is dead.”

Gretchen’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I killed George Minden tonight.”

“No, you’re lying.”

Kevin pulled out his phone. “I thought you might react like that, so here’s the photo to prove it.” He turned the screen toward her and she slapped a hand around her mouth.

“George...Minden wasn’t my lover. I made it up to see your reaction.” She paused. “You killed a man, Kevin. I guess I should feel satisfaction that you finally demonstrated your love for me, but I don’t. Not really. The relief I feel is that you’re going to jail for murder and will be out of my life forever. I sound like a horrible person, don’t I?”

“You are a horrible person. That’s why the knife the police will find at the murder scene is from here and has your fingerprints all over it. And I also sent some very naughty emails to George from your computer.” Gretchen stared at him, panic returning. “But I hope you’ll look at this as an opportunity. After all, you’re going to have lots of time to learn how to play chess.”

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